New Zealand Business Directory Comparisons
New Zealand Business Directory Comparisons to SEO (search engine optimization)
New Zealand Business Directory Comparisons how SEO has changed over the years. Importantly, SEO now means more than just having a great site, some links and a bit of content. It’s about much more than that.
Google and other search engines are smart enough to know that the internet web has changed. As a result, they know that they have to start taking more factors into consideration with business directories. Furthermore the way in which they assess, rank websites and look at business directories.
The fact of the matter, Google are looking for external signals, in a business. Increasing effort to determine that business trust, quality and credibility. Because they’re the types of sites they want performing well in the search results.
Noteworthy the majority of New Zealand Business Directories out there aren’t very good. Having focus on a quantity of free listings over quality listings. Hence many of these low quality directories have been De-indexed by the search engines. Links on these Low quality directories mean absolutely nothing and may even hurt your own website.
Listing in New Zealand business directory is a great way to obtain more exposure for your business. Improving the search engine rankings for your own website. However only list in a good quality New Zealand business directory.
Good quality New Zealand Business Directory Comparisons
Search engines interpret if a Business directory is of poor or good quality in many different ways. Firstly they focus on these elements that come into play when Google look at business directories.
- Trust and credibility of the New Zealand business directory.
- Is the business directory after a quantity of poor listings or just good quality listings.
- Does the business directory have broken links.
- If the business directory has ceased businesses still listed.
- Does the business listing supply a unique business description, phone number, email contact and physical location.
Webtell New Zealand Business Directories play an important role, In that we send the right signals to Google about your website…. “Hey, all our listings are active legitimate businesses with contacts and a physical address”.
However proceed with caution and do not create a New Zealand business listing on a poor quality directory just because it is available.
New Zealand Business Directory Comparisons to Links
In addition It’s important to remember, not all back-links are equal and not all online New Zealand business directory listings are beneficial. In fact, some can actually harm your business. For many years a popular strategy among site owners was to simply submit their sites to as many web directories as possible. This was a quick and easy way of getting links.
Business owners intention here was to improve search engine visibility and potentially boost rankings. In the past this method was popular for many reasons, with the main ones being –
- low cost.
- It worked.
- was very easy to do.
- It didn’t involve a great deal of work.
Site owners became obsessed with submitting their sites to as many New Zealand directories as possible, regardless of poor or good quality, or relevancy.
Finally Google decided enough was enough and started devaluing links from poor quality directories. Search engines started removing directories from their index. As a result in some cases, where the listing submissions were so poor, sending site owners unnatural link warnings and applying penalties.
New Zealand Business Directory Comparisons to Low and High Quality Directories
Almost all the majority of New Zealand business directories out there are not very good. Because they have a focus on a quantity of free listings over quality listings. Due to this many of these directories are of low quality and have been De-indexed by the search engines. Therefore listing on low quality directories your links mean absolutely nothing and may even hurt your own website.
Importantly all search engines like Google determine Webtell New Zealand Local Business Directories to be high quality. Due to our business directories only have quality listings.
Especially relevant Webtell Local New Zealand Business Directories look at each listing to value its credibility. We insure all our listings are current, active and no broken links. Ensuring this we require listings to renew every 6 months. Ceased businesses that do not renew are deleted. Therefore we have no broken links. Established businesses may renew for 6 months periods as many times as they want. After the free 3 month period a $12 Australian dollar fee is charged for each 6 month period renewed.
New Zealand Business Directory comparisons with the good and bad facts
Important factors need to be considered when selecting an online New Zealand business directory. You should not add your New Zealand business to every directory you can find. Low quality business directories will have little to no value and can even hurt your own websites ranking.
Business owners are looking for, web traffic, exposure for their business, plus SEO benefits of back-links. Directories still serve a pivotal role, in that they –
- Help regular web users find businesses on the web.
- Increased business site owners get found.
Needless to say, a lot has changed with search engines over time. Whilst many New Zealand business directories still remain, the way in which we now use them has changed significantly.
Is listing in an New Zealand directory good or bad for SEO?
Obviously many New Zealand business owners are still unsure about listing within an New Zealand business directory. Perhaps it’s because they’re concerned they might get hit with a Google penalty. Maybe they are concerned because they don’t see any real value in it; perhaps it’s just that they don’t know where to start. If this is you, than Webtell New Zealand local city business directories is perfect to start.
Many directories usually have a rel=”no-follow” code on the links from their website. Links with this code are basically saying to Google, “yes we link to this website but we don’t endorse it so we’re not passing on any SEO”. We allow links to be followed by search engines.
If a directory requires that you link back to them in order to be included, it’s almost certain they trying to manipulate search rankings through linkage and this may harm your site. We do not require back links to us.
When directories have a higher price you can pay for “extra links” or a higher placement on the page, that’s a decent sign that Google’s spam team is going to come calling one of these days.
New Zealand Business Directories you list in?
- List in an New Zealand directory that is heavily moderated
- Almost all sites that scream “Permanent Free, anyone and everyone accepted!” are the types of directories you’ll want to avoid. Webtell New Zealand Directories looks at each listing to value its credibility.
- It’s always best to submit to directories that have someone actually sitting at the other end checking each listing, Hence ensuring that it’s legitimate.
- List in New Zealand directories that are a paid service.
- There are a number paid directory services who charge $90 or more per year for a listing. Webtell New Zealand Directories gives you 3 months free, then we charge $12 Australian dollars renewal fee for every 6 months added,
- New Zealand Directories like ours that charge are always worth submitting to, We heavily moderate every listing that comes in. It’s also less likely that anyone building a spamming site will spend the money to list in a directory that requires payment.
- Avoid permanently free directories as most of these are spamming sites.
- Do not List in directories that require a reciprocal link, Webtell USA Directories do not require a reciprocal link back to us.
- Stay away from Directories where there are a lot of ceased businesses and low quality sites listed. As a paid site, all our listings are quality.
- Avoid listing in directories stuffed full of revenue making ads and other nonsense. Webtell New Zealand Local Business Directories have no commercial ads.
- Only list in an High Quality New Zealand directories that will give you an SEO boost.
Quality over quantity when submitting to a New Zealand Directory
You might be thinking, “Well if I submit my site to more directories, this should give a bigger boost in terms of SEO, yes?”
Not entirely true.
Most noteworthy think quality over quantity. Webtell New Zealand Local Business Directories are all high quality sites. You’re much better off submitting your site to fewer high quality relevant directories. Avoid submitting your site to many of the crappy directories.
Hence, that brings us to the final and probably the most popular question of all. Will listing in an New Zealand Business Directory give your own website a SEO boost? Truthfully most will give you none, However, Webtell High Quality New Zealand Business Directory will, even if just a little. Is it worth listing your business? Yes, Absolutely.
Send the right signals to Google and think long term. Submitting your site to New Zealand Business Directory is just one spoke in the ever expanding wheel of SEO.
Information about Free Listing
New Zealand Business Directory is developed by Webtell Be Found